Wherever conventional materials cause problems, GRP gratings and planks show their strengths, for example:
• Chemical plants
• Sewage treatment plants
• Power plants
• Waste incineration plants
• Electrolysis plant
• Galvanizing and pickling
• Boat and ship lands
• Swimming pools
• Bottling plants and breweries
• Food and packaging industry
Gratings and planks
Gratings and planks characterised by the highest corrosion and weather resistance, large carrying capacity, non-slip treads, light weight, easy handling (even locally) and easy installation, long life without maintenance costs.
Trag- Konstruktionen
Tragkonstruktionen in Form von Podesten, Laufstegen, Fussgängerbrücken, Treppen, Geländer usw. werden in korrosiven Umgebungen aus GFK- Verbundwerkstoffen gebaut. Grosse Konstruktionsprofile mit entsprechender Tragfähigkeit ermögliche heute wirtschaftliche, korrosionsfeste Lösungen.